A User Manual For Me

What is a User Manual for Me?

As defined on the Manual For Me website “A Manual of Me is a powerful framework which helps you discover and communicate your working preferences, motivations and needs, so we can all work better together.”

Why have I done it? I hope it lets people know how to get the best out of me and also allows for self reflection on area’s I could improve.

With that out the way, let’s get on with it.

How I like to work

I prefer to start early and finish no later than 1700 through the week. If I had to choose between late night working and a catch up session over the weekend, weekend wins every time. If I email you at night or over the weekend I don’t expect an immediate reply.

I do prefer my own desk but can work anywhere there’s WiFi and power. What I do need though is multiple monitors/a large screen real estate. Working off one small screen greatly impacts my productivity. As for location, 1 or 2 days a week from home gives me more time to think, less interruptions and a change in scenery.

The best ways to communicate with me

  • I much prefer asynchronous communication – a mail, IM, text is much preferred to a meeting for example. 
  • I’m slowing pivoting to video by default over audio which is a hard habit to break. 
  • If you book in a meeting, add some context or agenda. I hate meetings with nothing more than a meaningless subject. It’s lazy and shows you don’t really value my time. And not every meeting needs to be 30 or 60 minutes!
  • I always say “my door is always open” and I mean it – I really love drop-in’s and face to face chats…but the calendar is rammed so often it’s closed. Need to use the wedge more going forward.

How I like to receive feedback

I welcome honest and clear communication – how can I fix and improve without it?

What I struggle with

  • Endless back to back meetings
  • Talking over others  – give everyone room to speak
  • People treating me differently due to the role
  • A constant battle with imposter syndrome 

What are my values

  • Honesty – be truthful, don’t lie, don’t bullshit. Once trust is broken I find it difficult to repair.
  • Objectivity – act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias
  • Commitment – work hard and be consistent and if you say you will do something, follow through

What is My Personality Type

Myers-Briggs is bullshit, right? I’ve done this a couple of times over the years and I’m an ISTJ and I can’t disagree with what the test concludes.

I’m introverted, day to day I go with evidence although the gut feel is never too far away but can’t disagree with Sensing and Thinking. Finally I’m more Judging than Perceiving although suffer from “do as I say, not as I do” a bit too often.

So while I don’t think Myers-Briggs should be used to put people into categories or used as a candidate selection tool it is useful to understand your personality traits and for others that work with you to have some insight into what makes you tick.