The BCC should do the decent thing – sack him – after his outburst on Arabs. This is nothing but racist stereotyping and he should be suitably punished.
Author: iandick
Mars Rover
Way cool – the first pictures from the Mars Rover are superb. Just hope the rover moves OK after the weekend.
Less than 2 weeks to go
Well….things are moving apace. Two weeks from now I’ll be in my new house. Two weeks from now I’ll have no broadband! Bugger. I can only order BB once my new phone line is enabled, then it will be up to 10 days before BB is setup. Ouch. Back to dial-up.
But the mortgage is sorted, new insurance dealt with, removal firm booked, sixty (yep 60) fucking boxes arrived from Pickfords yesterday – I’ve only got a two bedroomed flat – I’m not that bad a hoarder. Still got utilities to fix and tons to pack (not 60 boxes worth though).
But I can’t wait to move.
Missives Concluded
Woo-Hoo. Missives finally concluded on the old and new homes. Hopefully there’s no going back now. Just got two weeks of packing to get through and then the removal. Only downside is that I’ll be without broadband for a couple of weeks. Bummer.
Merry Christmas
Its 25th December – Merry Christmas All.
Will Beagle Succeed?
I can’t wait to find out if the Beagle 2 probe lands and communicates from Mars. Considering the risky steps it needs to take to land you would have to say the chances are slim.
But it captures the imagination in a similar way to the first Shuttle launch. I remember watching the launch when I was in primary school. Superb. Good luck Beagle.
Moving Costs
Can’t believe how much it costs to move house. Estate agent fees, solicitors fee’s, tax to govt, removal firm, mortgage arrangement fee’s……the list is endless. But still the cost that sticks in the throat most is the wasted surveys I had to pay for while trying to find a house. £200-£300 pounds for a 2 page report. Dogs.
Other costs – gas and electricity re-connections, BT reconnection, broadband connection blah blah blah.
Orange Walk
Why were they walking last Saturday? In fact, why do they walk. They attract nothing but trouble wherever they go – most of the folk walking alongside are pissed out of their heads. Its about time the marches were stopped for good. A few months ago a Sunday Herald article took the head of the Orange Order in Scotland to task for the disruption and police costs that the marches cause. He argued that it wasn’t the lodge members but those that chose to march with the Order – he also said they were in the majority.
Well sorry, but thats just bollocks. Saturdays march involved around 8-10 bands. Before they set off around 50-60 men decided they had to relieve themselves before starting. Did they find toilets. Did they hell. Jumped into an office complex and relieved themselves against walls, doors and cars. Were they hangers on – nope. Suited and booted with Orange sashes. And the police just watched. I cannot wait to move from this area – hopefully Saturday is the last time I need to listen to the drum at 8:30AM.
I’ve Sold A House
Well, after 12 days on the market I’ve sold my house. Was suprised we got 14 viewers in that short space of time, especially as its the festive season. Just the mortgage to get now…gulp. I’m in debt for the rest of my like 🙂
An the entry date is 16th January – thats now less than six weeks away. So much to do…so little time!
Glasgow Bridge Chosen
The council have finally selected the design of a new pedestrian bridge in Glasgow. From a shortlist of six the bridge selected seems to involve the longest walk for a pedestrian…and do we really need another nightclub? Most bizarre is the location – I can only assume its to help with the new finiancial district they are trying to establish. What a waste of public money.