Been using this for the past 3 days – this is the new name and new version of MSN Messenger. Interface is much the same as before with a bit more polish and easier to use features. You can search from within Messenger to including one option to search ‘Near Me’. Enter Games and a search window for Glasgow (which is near me) will launch showing a map and addresses for Game related stores near me – hello CA Games. You can also search your desktop from here – maybe time to switch back to MSN Desktop Search as having the search box in Messenger makes more sense than on the toolbar especially as I always have Messenger running.
There are also extra options to be had when chatting. One is Music Mix which allows you to share a music playlist with whoever you are chatting with. Sounds OK but in practise was slow to download my currently playing track and also made the Messenger app pretty unresponsive. Another allows you to share a map search, another allows you to watch a video together from MSN. All tat in my book.
One feature I did like was Sharing Folders. Turn this on between you and a contact and a folder will be kept in sync on each contacts PC. Drag a file onto your contacts name and the file will be synchronised into yours and theirs folder. Makes file transfer so much easier and you no longer need to wait for the contact to say yes to the file.
Think of Digg with less geeks and more general news and you’ve got Web 2.0 (blah) app Newsvine. Three main activities – Read, Write and Seed. Read articles and comment on them to your hearts content but also control the content – the community keep alive the stories they like by voting on them.
You can also Write your own articles and they will appear like other news stories so users can comment and vote on their favourites. Seeding articles is basically linking articles from the web. They will appear within Newsvine as well and be subject to the same voting and commenting as the previous two. The main difference from other sites is that authoring and seeding can earn you money. If you add value to the Newsvine site then you earn some dollars. Interesting concept – open up journalism to the masses but surely it will end in tears as wannabe journalists write up misspelled articles in the quest for fame?
A video from CBC that can be grabbed via bit-torrent shows the very same online mechanism in South Korea – it’s amazing the amount of money an amateur can generate but South Korea is the most connected place on the planet. Still – shows the potential that this model has. I’ve been pretty impressed so far with the content and the news that I’ve found.
The above apps are still in Beta but I do have invites left for both of them – if your interested leave a comment and I’ll drop you an invite.
If you’ve got invites to spare, then I could take one for WLM.
hey man,
if u got an invite to spare for me, it would simply be great. Thanks in advance.
I’ll take an invite too. I dought you have one left with all the spam you’re getting but if it’s possible I would like one.
Thanks a lot.
please send me one too, thanks very much!
Could i pleas have an invitation or permission to use windows messneger 8.. i had it installed but it won’t let me on unless i am accepted……………LETS GO WITH THIS NEW VERSION…RELEASE IT……………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will watch my email..
Thanks Brenda
I would love to have a Windows Live Messenger invite. If you want, I will link to your website from my blog mentioned above! Visit it to see if you want me to add a link to you. My email is if anyone else wants to send me a Windows Live Messenger invite. Thanks!
I’d love a beta invite too!
I’ve got 4 or 5 left – I’ll sort out the above when I get home from work. Thats me all out of invites now unless you want to try newsvine.
umms if u still hab an invite can u plz send to meee plz ??
Can I get an invite for the messenger thing? The sounds of it piqued my interest… And you know I don’t need a Newsvine one
*call that a subtle hint*
Ok – invites sent to first on the list plus the one that leaves not so subtle hints. Enjoy. If I get anymore I’ll pass them out.
please give me an invite :….
I would sure like to use (not try :)) both of above applications. If I can be shot with an invite of each, I would be very much dead on my PC than I already am
Thanks alot for the NewsVine. Much appreciated. And thanks once again for the quick response.
Hover at my blog if you can spare a few minutes
Can I please get a newsvine invite ?
Can you give me an invite please?
send me an invite please
Hi , please send me a invite, thank you!
can someone send me an invite.
thanks a lot
my email is
No invites left here.
Ok – I have more invites for Messenger. I think I’ve done everyone above so leave your address if you want one. Still got plenty for Newsvine.
could i please have a newsvine invite ?
I’d be grateful for a WLM invite if you’ve any left.
Thanks a lot for the Windows Live Messenger Invites!
If you allow me to get one from you, send the invite to:
giovanealex at hotmail dot com
Thanks again!
Would love a newsvine invite if you have any left. Forgot to leave the email address in my previous comment:
bizcodaddy at
Much appreciated,
I been searching for 2 days now for anyone who still has few invites left… please help me out and send me an invitation. THX in advance
can i have an invite
can I have an newvine invite please
Please man give me an invite for newsvine… please…
would you please invite me to the newsvine website? thank you for giving them to us all…
I want an invite to both please
dapengi (at)
I’d love to check this out if you have any left!
Newsvine please please please xx
Hi there,
I would really like to try out both services. Any spare invites you have would be appreciated.
Ian, you got any newsvine invites left? I’m curious. Anyone looking for Messenger 8 invites, if Ian’s run out, let me know. I have 7 left. There’s a post in my blog.
Check your mail G. I’ve still got plenty Messenger invites (as soon as they run out they give you more).
Cheers. Got it. Newsvine is pretty cool. You know me and current affairs though…
hi cud u please send me a invite to
Hey can you send me one out please
my email is
thanks in advance
Hi… Do you have an invite for me??? I would really apreciatte it
would very much like to have a invite.
My email is:
Thx in advance
Hi, IM maria from argentina. Would like to get an invite!! is that posible?? I really want it! please..
Hi.. do you still have some? I dont know how can I get it!! Please send me.. D