Scoping a pilot or experiment is often ignored and before you know it you have a production solution masquerading as a pilot. This article from John Cutler helps.
- Set aside ~90 minutes.
- Pick a problem or observation.
- Read and discuss the dimensions described below. For each dimension, brainstorm example experiments representing the “extremes”. These don’t need to be real. Have fun.
- Optionally (as demonstrated with L+ and R+), chat about how the extremes could be considered positive.
- Return to the problem or observation. Ask individuals to brainstorm 1-3 candidate experiments to address that problem or observation.
- Ask team members to individually describe each candidate experiment using the ranges below.
- As a group, discuss each experiment, and where each team member placed each experiment.
- Finally, ask team members to dot vote on the best-fit experiment (for the given context). Discuss ranking. Ideally, pick an experiment to try.

Local | Global
How containable (or localized) is the experiment?
L+: Localized impact, fewer dependencies, less visibility/oversight/meddling.
R+: Broader impact, more support, more visibility.
Flexible | Rigid
Will it be possible to pivot the experiment on the fly?
L+: May be easier to sustain. More adaptable to changing environments and new information.
R+:May be easier to understand, teach, support, and promote.
Short Duration | Long Duration
How long must the experiment last to provide meaningful information?
L+: Less disruptive. Easier to pitch. Faster feedback.
R+: More time to “simmer” and pick up steam. Commitment.
Invitation | Imposition
Will the participants be invited to take part in the experiment, or will the experiment be imposed?
L+: More intrinsic motivation. More vested in outcome. “Advocates for life!”
R+: Speed. Less need to “sell” change.
Small Shift | Large Shift
Will the experiment represent a small change from how things currently work, or will it feel foreign and new? Perhaps different participants will experience different degrees of change.
L+: Easier. Less disruptive. More potential to “pick up momentum”.
R+: “Get it over with”. Less chance of getting stuck in local maximum.
Self-powering | Requires “fuel” & external support
Can the experiment sustain itself without outside support and resources, or will it require external support?
L+: Independent. Easier. Can be sustained indefinitely.
R+: Involves and “vests” broader group in the effort.
Value in 2nd/3rd order effects | Risk in 2nd/3rd order effects
Second and third order effects are common when running an experiment. Is the experiment expected to “throw off” potentially valuable 2nd/3rd order effects?
L+: Discover valuable things!
R+: Risk may be necessary to explore new areas of uncertainty.
Fewer dependencies, lower blast radius |
More dependencies, higher blast radius
How independent/dependent is the experiment on other things (people, projects, systems, processes, etc.) in the org?
L+: Independent. More degrees of freedom. Less constrained.
R+: Potentially more impactful. Potentially more involvement and support.
Shorter feedback loops | Longer feedback loops
How easily and quickly can we get feedback?
L+: Can respond more quickly. Can pivot experiment more quickly.
R+: May be less noisy. May provide “deeper” or more cohesive information.
Low threat to formal structures/incentives | Challenges formal structures/incentives
Does the experiment represent a threat to formal power/incentive structures?
L+: Can fly under radar. Consider “safe” and non-threatening.
R+: May be less likely to test (and change) formal power/incentive structures.