The inquiry has its own website. For those interested all the material from the inquiry is online so that we can make our own informed opinion for a change. I don’t know if other inquiries are as open but it seems refreshing if all rather distasteful and tragically avoidable.
Health & Safety
Back from hols and already looking forward to returning to work next week. Not. Done a bit of digging and for those in hot offices the following makes for interesting reading with regards max temps allowable in offices. Nothing set in stone by law, but a maximum of 24C is recommended.
Record Breaker
I see the hottest temp recorded has now been set. Usually I would be in Glasgow and while hot it wouldn’t be scorchio. However I’m in Peterborough and it was melt weather at the weekend but thankfully now its slightly cooler – only 30C.
Weekend has been really good – caught up with friends in Scunthorpe and during a long night (what do u mean the suns up?) we’ve agreed to go to Australia and strangely the Edinburgh Festival next year (more likely the Fringe though). Weegie in culture shock. Hope it happens specially the trip to Oz.
Hot In Here
Its 9AM, the suns blazing down outside and its 26C in work already. Tempers are frayed and the day feels long and I’ve only been here an hour. I wonder if there’s any regulations about a workplace being too hot. The fans are on but they only help to push the warm air around – so thats how a fan assisted oven works!
Got a Camera Phone
Then MobileAsses is surely the site you should be posting to. Pretty sad but at least folk will now have a good reason to own a camera phone.
Robbie Williams
Watched his Knebworth concert on 4 last night. Enjoyable, but can’t help feeling his star isn’t shining as brightly as it was 2-3 years ago. Noticed it when he played some of his ‘classics’ which were far stronger than his latest album.
And why the fuss that some couldn’t see the stage – what do you expect with over 100,000 each night? Muppets.
Join Me
Join me – thanks to John for the link. Join 10,000 users in committing Random Acts Of Kindness.
John Leslie
So after all the hype of the last 10 months, John Leslie is a free man. He’s also, once he sells his story to the press and TV, going to be a rich man – again. However he will forever be tainted with the allegations that were made.
In all other crimes, suspects are named so is there really a case for anonymity? Yes. British justice is based on ‘innocent until proven guilty’. Yet Leslie has been branded guilty since day one and in cases of rape or sexual assault the accuser has anonymity. Its time the accused has this protection also. And the role of the tabloid media should also be examined as Leslie was tried by them before the case was near any court.
Webs Favourite Colour
Webs favourite colour is a site trying to find the….well….webs favourite colour (thankfully spelling colour correctly although the fact that I’ve mentioned the spelling of a word will mean I’ll now spell something wrong). At the moment with just under a 1000 photo’s logged the favourite colour is a dirty green(well I think it is). Better than beige though.
Gordon Jackson
Gordon Jackson is the MSP for Govan and also a QC. It was revealed today that he earned £163k via legal aid last year – more can be read here. This is on top of his �50k he earns as an MSP. I really cannot understand how he can be committed to both jobs, or give enough time to his local constituents. It is no wonder the majority of the public have been turned off by the Scottish parliament when you have part time MSP’s earning million dollar salaries.
Its time to allow only full time MP’s and MSP’s. They should not be allowed to hold other roles, especially considering the salaries they pull in and they also should be banned from sitting on the boards of companies – surely that is compromising their position as an MP?