
Weeknote, Sunday 26th January

  • Work this week was focussed on the future. Strategy, goals and some proposed changes to my role. Lots to look forward to but also lots to unpack as there’s much of it still to be resolved. Onwards.
  • Storm Éowyn blew through Scotland on Friday. I popped out early ahead of the red warning for a quick walk and even then there were branches down and it was really blustery. Rest of the day was noisy and damaging. We were fortunate in that a fence panel and some minor damage on the garage roof was the worst we got. Others were not so lucky and a walk around Glasgow was pretty sobering. Lots of trees down especially in the parks and by the Kelvin and quite a number of roofs damaged too. It’s unusual for Glasgow to get a red warning but named storms are becoming much more common.
  • Traitors S03 came to a satisfying finish. Felt the challenges were a bit more consequential this year and the addition of the seer kept the final episode contestants on their toes. And thank goodness Joe didn’t win.
  • Making good progress on digitising a lot of the paperwork I’ve got/hoarded over the year. Picked up a ScanSnap iX1600 last year and while it was pricey it eats through paper with ease and delivers a good quality and searchable scan at the end of it. Recommended if you’ve got a pile of paperwork that you want to keep but shred.
  • Enjoyed Wicked more that I thought I would and Black Doves is pretty good too. Silo season 2 I blasted through in a week and loved it. Next up…Severance. Rewatch season 1 or not???

I’ll finish with some of the many tree’s that succumbed to Éowyn. Hope they are replaced through time.


August 19th 1993 saw the launch of Edge Magazine. An adult look at the future of games and I loved it from day one. 31 years later and they’ve hit the 400th edition…406 now as I’ve been late to post this.

Edge 001
Edge 400

400 doesn’t look anything like issue 1 and is another of the multi collector covers that they’ve done more recently. All 406 covers are now updated and available in my Flickr Edge Magazine Cover album.

This is the only thing I now get in physical form – even the games are all digital now. Long may it continue even if the fonts are hard to read with my aged eyes.

Default Apps 2024

Just over a year ago I published my default apps for 2023. Not too much has changed but worth a dust down for 2024 with a few additional entries. Updates tagged with a ⭐️

Added some more apps this year particularly tracking and some Mac utilities. Also moved to more stock Apple apps – Podcasts and Calendar. What I’ve not done is a proper review of the subscriptions as they are mounting up and I really need to review the value I get from each service.

Finally, Apple Mail is likely next on list to change. Not liking iOS direction of travel and it feels increasingly janky.

2023 Wrapped

Wrapped culture has lost the plot but never one to miss a fad here’s my round up of 2023.


2023 saw me hit a couple of milestones. I turned 50 which still feels a bit surreal that I am THAT old. A couple of days after I paid off the mortgage. Boom. Something that I had planned and aggressively targeted five years ago landed, made more memorable by the bank employee who seemed happier than me as he declared you’re mortgage free. Brilliant.

Work also saw a significant change as I stepped into a director role and I’m now responsible for a team of not 15 but 150. First couple of months saw a few changes that have landed ok but lots more to do in 2024. Enjoying the challenge so far but also need to look after myself – more on that below.


Fitness wise I had an ok year. Kept the previous target of walking 2000km in a year and managed a bit more, clocking in at just over 2300km. Pace also better than the previous year.

Yearly total of walks

There are two points to the walks – to keep weight in control and also to get out from behind a keyboard/screen/controller. And while the stats show the weight is ok that wasn’t through choice.

Weight 2023

I had IBS for a couple of months from late August and it shows in the weight loss. It’s come back on quickly enough but I need to be mindful that some of the ailments I suffer from particularly migraines/headaches are stress related and there’s no doubt that some of the work I was involved in this year impacted my health. Some of that was self inflicted as I threw myself into the new role but some of it was pressures from elsewhere and I need to control that better and be more self aware going forward.

If I’m being honest I was approaching burnout and the body was shouting it loudly and the head was saying don’t be daft, it’s fine. The first 5 months of the year I was disciplined and did almost zero weekend work. That then changed and I worked flat out for weeks at a time which isn’t sustainable. However I’ve had a good long Christmas break and I’m now more determined to make time for me. My trusted friends inside and outside of work can spot the signs and they have looked out for me which I’ll always appreciate even if I don’t say it.


Made a concerted effort to watch more films this year and logged 88 films which is far more than the measly 25 in 2022. Highlights were Aftersun, Tár, Rye Lane, Air, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Oppenheimer, Blackberry, Killers of the Flower Moon and Past Lives. 100 in 2024?

Watched far too much TV and still have quite the backlog but series I really enjoyed included The Last of Us, Silo, Happy Valley, Poker Face, The Gold, Slow Horses, Race Across The World, Blue Lights, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland, Foundation, The Bear and Boiling Point.

As for games I spent far too much on hardware and have a new gaming PC and a Steam Deck OLED. PC has a 4090 in it and while games look amazing my room is a sauna in the summer 😂. Games I enjoyed this year were limited to older titles although I’m committing to Balders Gate 3 in 2024. The improvement in Halo Infinite thanks to new maps and regular drops of content is huge so thats still my goto game. Also got back into Super Hexagon and its variants on the Steam Deck. God I love that game although my age is showing me up now.

One thing I’ve not missed is Twitter/X. A site I once loved but now fully embrace Mastodon with a bit of Threads mixed in. The brands and the politicians haven’t moved away though which is a shame but I’m missing those less than expected. Hopefully Space Karen walks away from X in 2024…or is pushed.

Finally, podcasts. The Rest is Entertainment and The Town are two new essentials. I’ve also had to drop a couple of the tech shows – they are just too long – regular 3 hour episodes are difficult to squeeze in.

Whats Next?

So 2024, no resolutions although I do put a theme together to help guide where I want to improve or change. The first three to four months will be very career and work focussed but I must take the time to separate work and home life and have proper down time. Need to give myself permission to switch off which I find easier to say, difficult to do…so work to be done.

Also want to put more effort into this little bit of the internet that I post on. Weeknotes are interesting but I fall out the habit, maybe more shorter form links and thoughts that I used to push onto Twitter will appear more regularly. Still thinking that through but got a bit of excitement around the website again which I haven’t had in a while.

2024 has so much potential that I can’t wait to get stuck in…here’s to a happy and healthy 2024 for you all.

Default Apps 2023

A man standing in the hills of Scotland being invaded by apps

If there’s anything thats going to kick start my blog it’s a trend talking about app’s. I first saw a post from Matt Birchler a couple of weeks back and it turns out it’s inspired by Hemispheric Views 097 – Duel of the Defaults! with Robb Knight going above and beyond tracking a list of people taking part.

Anyway, on with the list: 

The takeaway for me is I use many more default Apple services than before and I’m looking at Apple Podcasts to replace Overcast and Keychain/iCloud Passwords as the enshitification of 1Password continues. iCloud replaced Dropbox in the last 18 months, Apple Mail instead of Spark although Word, Excel and Powerpoint are safe as Apple’s office tools have never clicked for me. So why the shift?

App subscription fatigue is definitely a factor as there’s only so many subscriptions that I’m willing to do that deliver value. There’s also a narrowing of capability over time and ease of use just using defaults when you’re all in on one ecosystem. If only friends could actually use just one messaging platform!

If you do like trying out new apps the full list of participants is a mine of information…and I’ve found quite a few new blogs to follow. Good old RSS. Next up, I really should setup an uses page to make this easier to reference.


Hard to believe but it’s twenty years since the first post on the site. At that time it was and I restarted from a previous blog which was running for a couple of years. Looking at screens from 2002 and the old blog really takes me back to a different world.

That was published using Radio Userland, blogrolls were a thing (maybe should be again) and ICQ was around too.

I don’t post as often now but still value having my own site hosting my content. Here’s to another twenty.

Weeknotes 2023.28: London

Been a while since the last update but I’ll keep this first one in months focussed on the last week. Thursday was a day trip to London. For the first time I flew into London City and really preferred it to Heathrow. Transport out was quick on the DLR and then onwards on the underground. Same on the way back made easier by Express Mode via Apple Pay so it was easy to use contactless at the start and end of the journey. Considering the size of Glasgow and the opportunities with bus, train, underground and bike it’s frustrating that Glasgow Council have done little to integrate public transport and promote easy ways to pay for the services. And lets not mention the lack of trains from Glasgow Airport!

Arriving a bit early meant a little nose around London. Away from the main streets there’s always lots to see and stumbled on a little street of shops and cafes. Nothing better than a stroll around new places.

Last week also saw the 15 year anniversary of the App Store. Looking back to this screenshot from early 2009 feels like a different Platform and not an iPhone. You forget the icon design and also how small the physical phone was compared to todays retina devices. I still use 1Password and WeatherPro today…and thankfully not Evernote after their recent sale. Pour one out though for the amazing Tweetie – if only that was still around and Twitter wasn’t the complete cluster it is today.

Todays home page looks very different and has probably seen more change in the last six months than the last few years thanks to the poor management of Twitter and Reddit killing Tweetbot and Apollo. Also reducing some reliance on subscription apps – I get why developers are moving to them but my subs were getting out of control so some pruning required.

The recent Steam summer sale meant a few new games in rotation. One I’m enjoying is Dredge which is billed as a fishing/horror game.

It’s perfect on the Steam Deck and while some reviews say the game can be a bit unbalanced later on I’ve not got that far for it to be a problem. Love sailing out and doing a bit of fishing. Little did I know that another fishing game would return this week – Ridiculous Fishing EX has been updated and is available on Apple Arcade. Brilliant update to a fantastic mobile game.

I’ll leave it there for the time being but want to get some thoughts out soon on Threads and the new gaming pc I may have just bought. It’s big.

Weeknotes 2023.11: Tired

The last few weeks have been full on, dominated by work and not much else. It niggled me that the weeknotes dropped after only three weeks, but when I kicked these off again I refused to get caught in having to post every week. I’d like to, but if I don’t have the bandwidth or feel in the right headspace to post then I won’t. There’s also a growing list of tasks that I need to put some effort into, but I keep pushing them back a week..or two…or twenty. Reading Ian Betteridge’s weeknote today struck a chord – I have a growing list of somedays that I need to turn into action. Is it an age thing? Is it laziness? I’ve got someday tasks from two years ago – thats really poor.

One interesting focus at work is growing the team, not just in numbers, but with the right training and opportunities. I think I’m getting bogged down in fairness for all with regards opportunities vs those that are  pushing for more and letting them flourish. Also had a few interesting discussions around how we could use and exploit ChatGPT or LLaMA but securely and reliably with confidence. I’ve ended up playing locally at home with LLaMA riffing on Simon Willis’s post on how to get it up and running. It feels even stranger that something running on my Studio is able to parse and have conversations with really good accuracy. Next area to dabble in is LangChain thanks to this post from Matt Webb. This plugged into some corporate data sources could yield interesting results.

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I’m happy with my home office. A 34” ultra wide in the centre and a 27” 4k to the side is a great setup that works with the Apple Studio, the work laptop or the gaming PC. I’m much more productive with multiple screens – the more the merrier. The only niggle I’ve had is with the desk itself. One of my long time someday projects is to replace it with a sit/stand offering – something like the Jarvis. I’m more tempted this weekend as the Jarvis is on sale so will decide in the next day or two as it will require a rewire of some of the networking and also probably a paint refresh in the room. Thats why it’s a someday project as it’s not just swapping out the desk…but I do have some holidays coming up. Tempting.

The SNP leadership race is in “tremendous mess”. So says Mike Russell who’s running the race. Wow. When Sturgeon announced her resignation it was clear this was the end of an era in Scottish politics but the in fighting, resignations and stench around the SNP is surprising. We’ll know the winner of the contest and Scotlands next First Minister on March 27th assuming there isn’t more scandal around the process. I wonder if a losing candidate if it’s close will accept the result or ask for a re-run in light of some of the news in the last two days which comes a week after voting started. 

The Last of Us ended this week and did so strongly. A couple of slow episodes didn’t hurt the series which is one of the best in years. Also enjoyed A Man Called Otto. The Whale however was dire. Some other things that caught my attention:

Weeknotes 2023.8: Manc

Spent some time in Manchester this week meeting strategic partners. Good honest session and lots to take away and work into future roadmaps. Even the trains were on time which is remarkable. I don’t know why but trains are great for getting some work done and doing some country spotting, but the seats are just so uncomfortable for me.

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Took the opportunity for an early morning walk around Salford. Media city and the investments there are huge, and it was also great to see Old Trafford in the flesh. Was a lovely crisp morning – spring on the way but love these blue sky cold starts. We also lucked into a great night at Alberts Schloss. Fantastic food but it was the live band that made the night.

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I’ve lasted longer than normal but had to crack open the work laptop and catch up over the weekend. Not something I wanted to do but mentally I hated being so behind with commitments. Being more public about it than I normally would will get me back into keeping weekends work free. It also meant less media watching this week but did have time for:

  • Ambulance – enjoyed it more than I expected. Won’t win any Oscars…and I guess Michael Bay found out about this new tech called drones cause every second shoot was a drone shot.
  • Drive to Survive – although F1’s season last year wasn’t as drama packed Netflix still manage to squeeze out every last drop.
  • Better – watched 2 episodes so far and it’s kept me interested. Wee bit formulaic.

Also want to thank cancel culture for finally dropping Dilbert from many newspapers around the world. I used to love Dilbert but it’s creator, Scott Adams, has been openly racist and thankfully his public racist rants on his Youtube channel this week have had consequences. I think this was my favourite quote – “This is not a difficult decision,” Chris Quinn, editor of the Plain Dealer in Cleveland, said in a letter to readers posted on Friday. “We are not a home for those who espouse racism.”


Chvrches released their new single this week – Over. A fitting way to close off this weeks post – they just keep getting better and better.