Weekly Digest

That was a fun week. Nothing much happening in the world, everything postitive…politics taking a summer break. Sigh.

I’ve binged on Defenders over the weekend and really enjoyed it. Liked it more than Iron Fist and Luke Cage but I’ve only a couple of episodes to go. Boo for an 8 episode run.

Game of Thrones this week was double the fun. I got a small spoiler after HBO accidently showed episode 6 so I downloaded and enjoyed it as well. What a series and I can’t wait for the last episode and some of the possible events that could happen.


Weekly Digest

Spent much of the week watching the World Athletics Championship from London. Some great performances, amazing crowds and yet again Britain puts on a world class event. Loved seeing Laura Muir pushing herself and so close to a medal in the 1500m. Her time will come.

Game of Thrones this week was epic and not just for the battle at the end. So much pay off throughout the episode. Loved it. Also watched Alien: Covenant and while it was beuatifully shot it ended up an average film for me. They should just leave the franchise alone.

Picked up Nex Machina on the PS4. Basically Smash TV on steroids – a fantastic game.
No Mans Sky has been out for a year and saw a big update this week, so much so I reset my progress and started again. Well worth a try if you were interested last year but were put off by the negative press.


Weekly Digest

Tiles chosen for kitchen. Trivial but gets another decision out of the way. Just need to pay for it all now. Noticable that the nights are starting to draw in a bit too. Winter is coming and it’s only the start of August.

Ghost in the Shell – average but looked great. Game of Thrones episode 3 and the pace is growing. Great send off for Olenna Tyrell as well. Love it.


Weekly Digest

Kitchen chosen and all going well will be done by end of September. Just need to get some tiles and paint chosen now.

Saw Dunkirk and it’s pretty special. Little dialogue but it grips you within the first few seconds unlike many other films and never lets go. Visually spectacular as is the audio…visit an iMax to see it at it’s best.


Weekly Digest

New kitchen almost chosen. Expensive but will make a massive difference.

Game of Thrones returned strong. Very much setting the chess board for this series but loved it all apart from Ed Sheeran which totally took me out of the GoT universe. The Handmaid’s Tale is finishing really stongly. Can’t wait for the last two episodes.


It’s trailer week thanks to comic con…and what a great set there’s been this year.

Weekly Digest

Interesting week. Colonoscopy on Tuesday which saw me get an all clear and yet again be thankful for what the NHS offers. The preperation the day before was…cleansing 🙂 Pretty close to deciding on a kitchen which will be worth it in the end but will see a bit more upheavel and more than a bit of cash.

Caught up on Game of Thrones ready for season 7 tomorrow. Can’t wait.


Weekly Digest

Busy week looking at kitchen options. Almost too many options so will take a few days break from it and come back later next week.

Loving the new Haim album. Also enjoying The Handmaids Tale which is dark. In preperation for July 17th re-watching last season Game of Thrones. So good.


Weekly Digest

A day late thanks to another broadband outage. Twice in a week including a new hub being fitted. Not good.

Golf Club 2 and a rather mixed reaction so far. Graphically a bit better, club options make it more interesting but multiplayer looks a hot mess and some of the ball physics just seem wrong. I’ll give it time, no doubt patches will fix over time.


Weekly Digest

New boiler fitted and went better than expected…now onto kitchen shopping. Also got the new iMac this week. What a beast but it’s taken a back seat to other issues. Also had a week off work which was busy but a welcome break.

Finished Ready Player One and really enjoyed it. So many geek wins and despite inital negative thoughts Wil Weaton was a great narrator. Looking forward to the film verison next year.


Weekly Digest

The Grenfell Tower fire puts everything into perspective. People lost families, friends, possessions and it’s hard to see who is helping them apart form themselves. Heartbreaking.

As for me, last week wears really busy but I’ve now got a week off work. However it didn’t get off to the best of starts with our boiler being condemned on Friday. New one being fitted this week which will cause quite a bit of upheaval…and probably a new kitchen will be required. Sigh.
More WipEout, more Ready Player One. Half way through and it’s so good.