I’ve always been a sucker for desktop applications – one’s that tell you free disk space, weather updates etc. Well, they seem to be commonly called Widgets now and there’s a growing market in supplying them. Reading an article on the Widget applications available I trialled a few over the past month and selected a firm favourite – Avedesk. With this utility you are able to configure a number of desktop applications to display disk stats, network info, weather stats – really anything you like. At the same time it is resource friendly and easy on the eye. The piccie shows a weather app running on my desktop – how depressingly wet (and yes…all I need to do is look out the window to see that but there is a nice 6 day forecast :-)) Avedesk also allows you to run Objectdock Docklets which means there’s thousands of icons and apps that you can use. I’ll be spending some time later in the week configuring the desktop. Eye candy here we come.